Description: This data includes bikeways of various types, whether existing or planned within the CORE MPO Non-motorized Transportation Plan. The various types of bikeways can include bike lanes, shared use paths, cycle tracks, paved shoulders, and shared lanes, among others. Definitions of different types of bikeways are provided in the Non-motorized Transportation Plan, Appendix E: Bikeway Route Notes. See web page at: DATA DICTIONARIESThe Data Dictionary for a few of the fields are shown below. The Existing or EXIST_CD (Existing Type) fields and the Status_by_Type (Status of Plan) field are the most fundamental ones and they are explained first. The Existing field may be symbolized automatically when this feature class is added to a map. It indicates the current type of facility on each segment of the plan's bikeway network, regardless of what type is recommended in the MPO Non-motorized Transportation Plan. On the other hand, the Status_by_Type field indicates whether a given bikeway segment currently has the type of facility recommended for it in the Non-motorized Transportation Plan. For example, the record for a segment that currently has only shared lanes, but is recommended to have bike lanes, would show the code for "Shared Lane" in the Existing or EXIST_CD fields, and would show the code for "Recommended Bike Lane" in the Status_by_Type field. In short, symbolizing the Existing or EXIST_CD fields shows you current conditions on the network, while symbolizing Status_by_Type field shows you what is recommended and how far along the region is in meeting that vision (e.g. with the latter field, you could use different colors to dinstinguish types and use solid and dotted lines to dinstinguish whether the recommended type already exists or not).Existing or EXIST_CD (Existing Type) field:BL or 101 = Bike Lane CT or 102 = Cycle TrackBP or 103 = Bike Path (i.e. Shared Use Path) PS or 104 = Paved ShoulderNarrow PS or 105 = Narrow Paved ShoulderSL or 106 = Shared LaneWCL or 107 = Wide Curb Lane108 = Unopened. This describes a segment that is either physically or legally untraversable by bicycle in its current state. A few examples are: woods, swamp, canal-side maintenance drives (whether grassy or dirt), old railroad beds, freeways where bicycles are currently prohibited but where a separated facility is recommended in the future, freeways that are recommended to be replaced with slower, local streets. Status_by_Type (Status of Plan) field:0 = Existing Bike Lane1 = Existing Shared Use Path2 = Existing Paved Shoulder3 = Existing Shared Lane4 = Existing Wide Curb Lane5 = Recommended Bike Lane6 = Recommended Shared Use Path7 = Recommended Paved Shoulder8 = Recommended Wide Curb Lane9 = Existing Cycle Track10 = Recommended Cycle Track11 = Existing Narrow Paved Shoulder12 = Recommended Narrow Paved Shoulder13 = Recommended Shared LaneA few other fields are detailed below.History (Plan Year Origin) distinguishes which of the bikeway plan's segments were in the GIS data set for the CORE MPO's Bikeway Plan of 2000 and which ones were added during the udpate that became the CORE MPO Non-motorized Transportation Plan of 2014. Be aware that bikeway plans existed prior to 2000, but that prior history is not currently distinguished in this field. Also note that while most of the 2000 plan was retained in the 2014 plan, a few segments were not. Those segements are not in this data set. Segments that were retained from the 2000 plan do not necessarily have the same recommendations for facility type now that they had in 2000.2000 Plan = retained from the GIS data from the CORE MPO Chatham County Bikeway Plan (adopted in 2000)2014 Plan = added during the update which became the bikeway section of CORE MPO Non-motorized Transportation Plan (adopted in 2014)LOS_Category (Level of Service Category) shows results of a particular kind of analysis that attempts to predict the comfort of bicycling on a given roadway segment, considering factors such as volume of auto and truck traffic, traffic speed, width of lane, and pavement condition. This method is not appropriate for off-road bikeway types (such as shared use paths) and was not appllied to bikeway segments that currently exist as such. The method does not account for conditions at intersections. The method of analysis is explained in an appendix of the CORE MPO Non-motorized Transportation Plan, which includes the assumptions that were employed whenever field data was not readily available. Be aware that this Bicycle LOS is a different type of assessment from the traditional LOS assessments focusing on auto drivers, which instead measures characteristics such as delay and traffic density. In the Bicycle LOS method, numeric scores are grouped into categories as follows:A = Extremely good LOS (score less than or equal to 1.5)B = Very good LOS (score greater than 1.5 and less than or equal to 2.5)C = Moderately good LOS (score greater than 2.5 and less than or equal to 3.5)D = Moderately poor LOS (socre greater than 3.5 and less than or euqual to 4.5)E = Very poor LOS (score greater than 4.5 and less than or equal to 5.5)F = Extremely poor LOS (score greater than 5.5)<Null> or NoData means the segment was not rated with this Bicycle LOS method. These are instances in whcih the bikeway segment is or will be off-road (shared use paths), or is proposed for a street that does not yet exist.
Service Item Id: 0dd33db211c7407ab162aee6ef8602d8
Copyright Text: Transportation Planner,
Chatham County - Savannah Metropolitan Planning Commission,
Coastal Region Metropolitan Planning Organization
Description: Boundary layer showing the aldermanic districts for the City of SavannahEdited as requested by the City of Savannah, following changes in municipality boundaries.Use limitations: Available for public use and download via the SAGIS Open Data website